Friday, October 29, 2010

Huuklyeand Cinquor on Myopia and Its Existential Problems

Dude, I know it’s tough being
The butt of ugly jokes,
But look at it this way, man—

You could’ve been born with four eyes.

Moderator’s comments: In the rush to post my newest poem and to welcome two new Definitely Not Lemmings, I almost overlooked this latest Cinquor offering. Now that would have been an oversight on my part and an inexcusable one at that, seeing that I’ve been wearing glasses since the second grade and pride myself on being—I think—the oldest, shortest, most farsighted poet writing poetry in English in the Peloponnese.


  1. I have to thank Myopia for avoiding my being in the army for a year and for creating a textual paranoia which makes me revise a thousand times everything I write.

  2. oldest, shortest, most farsighted: what a claim!

  3. Mario,

    Sounds familiar! Although my myopia wasn't serious enough to keep me from the army, it has made me into a super-duper proofreader.


    I have to admit my claim is a bit far-fetched-- perhaps if I pulled up stakes and headed Texas-way, it would be more plausible =:)!!


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