Thursday, December 29, 2022

Henry Teel's Punt In A Nutshell

At rest on a sand dune safely 
Above the tide, its prow pointing 
Towards some lanky gesturing 
Grasses slowly moving in 
To encircle it, this weathered 
Light blue-grey punt going 
To pieces was once pulled 
Here by a man who soon went 
To the mainland and died there,
But still remains--an apostrophe. 


Sunday, December 25, 2022

Haiku: Writ

How shallow the state 
Of minds that cannot fathom 
Pale sheets of grey slate.


Friday, December 23, 2022

Barbed And Wired

There are many things 
One can do that 
Go above and beyond what 
Some of us rather naive 
Romantics like to call 
A poet’s sense of duty— 
Straddled high 
And mighty 
On a fence 
Armed with barbs and not 
Knowing who 
To aim for is not 
One of them. 


Sunday, December 18, 2022

Looks Like Kilroy's Still Here

You, over there— 
In the space allotted 
It, no matter how
Large or small, 
If your life fits,
Write it. 


Monday, December 12, 2022

Here's How It Usually Goes, Dearies

Nothing at all 
Dramatic about it 
Like the usual titillating 
Red-hot fare, you simply 
Plant yourself 
Down before one 
Obscene white page 
After another and scribble 
Most of the day making it 


Friday, December 9, 2022

Time Machine In The Boondocks Of The Southern Peloponnese, 1959/2022

The hens that once clucked 
And cackled near the mucky 
Pigpen in the next door 
Neighbors’ backyard and laid 
The fresh eggs my mother fried 
For our breakfast to the tune 
Of the rooster that craned 
Its neck to crow before 
Laying each chicken in turn, 
And the once ubiquitous 
Always sad-faced 
Ass that brayed 
In the vacant lot just 
West of our house 
In the torrid afternoon heat, 
Its Priapian appendage hanging 
Limp as a wet knee-high 
From the long since departed 
Neighbors’ sagging clothesline, how 
Is it they all flew the coop 
And I’m still here?


Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Peaky Piecemeal Blunders

Loutish stumbling
Bum, can you remember 
The last time you thought
This will be the last 
Time you promise yourself 
To think twice before 
You forget 
Your lot? 


Sunday, December 4, 2022

Displaced, Naturally

Years spent seamlessly waiting
On a permanent settlement,
In the end it seems 
We were forever 
Meant to live 
Out of our element. 


Thursday, December 1, 2022

Almost There Ad Infinitum, Etcetera

The man 
Who says he’s never believed 
In anything so far is close 
To understanding what nothing is, 
Though no one there is listening. 


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