Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Huuklyeand Cinquor on Devious Marketing of GM Foods

You perverted Monsanto

Sodbusters just keep on
Swallowing this bull

Shit and ya’ll be corn

By the Grim Reaper.

Moderator’s comments: Well, now we know where Cinquor stands re GM foods; still

The question is: how does one hold an apple
Who likes apples

And how does one handle
Filth? The question is

How does one hold something
In the mind which he intends

To grasp and how does the salesman
Hold a bauble he intends

To sell? The question is
When will there not be a hundred

Poets who mistake that gesture
For a style.

—George Oppen, “The Gesture”


  1. Now, we don't want a falling out between you and Cinquor, Vassilis. He might stop sending you his wonderful poems! This one—well, the voice rescues it, does it not? Y'all?

  2. I don't know if Cinquor is acquainted with Oppen's production but if he isn't, he should forget the corn he's currently marketing and start digging into Oppen's yield in earnest before it's too late.


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