Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Logorrhea, My Contribution to World Poetry Day

We run off at the mouth whenever we say whatever 
We put down is what we have to say and nothing’s going stop us, 
Come what may— 

Okay, bulldozers, let’s have it our way but 
What are we going to say when our treads are sinking in deep 
Shit with everybody running the opposite way? 


  1. I stand corrected.

  2. is today World Poetry Day ?
    The Whole/Entire Day ?

    .....damn: I missed it again !

  3. well

    not wanting to either be
    left out or appear'ignorants

    I GOOGLED "World Poetry Day &
    POWOW ! there really is such a ... thing :


    tonight I'ze gonna celebrate this Non-holiday
    sponsored by The United Nations
    lift a pint or 6


    contribute another "shit" poem to't"

    we've been in the
    shit so long
    we can no longer
    smell the stink

  4. I now feel vindicated by these comments and shall gush forth every World Poetry Day with a suitable offering to the gods or my name isn’t Old Faithful.


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