Saturday, March 10, 2012

An Epic, More or Less

He who hopes to grow in spirit. . . . 
will not be afraid of the destructive act: 
half the house will have to come down. 
—Cavafy, “Growing in Spirit” 

If that’s what the old man believes
Muse, keep piling on the detritus— 

Then have caterpillars tread on me, 
Mopping up the mess. 


  1. Nice blog and nice poems! I've been perusing poetry blogs on blogger lately and I came across yours. How long have you been writing? May I follow your blog? Feel free to follow mine as well. Keep up the awesome work.

  2. Thanks, Keith, for your kind words; I've put your Musings of an Unapologetic Dreamer on my blog list. As for your question "How long have you been writing?", if you go to my profile page, you'll see I've been feeding Pegasus corn for ages and he still ain't too pooped to pop.

  3. I can hear the tiny happy chewing sounds all the way from here.

    As the expression in Successful Caterpillar Circles goes:

    "Let's do mulch!"

  4. I must say this pains me more than I have ever said or Don(n)e but here goes anyway—“mulch obliged”!


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