Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Classic Dionysian Drinking Song

So, Bacchus, old friend, 
Here we go again, staggering 

Down timeworn marble steps 
To a dank beckoning cellar— 

Let’s drink to that to no end. 


  1. Or, a classic Sufi drinking song? Juan Cole ( has been translating Omar Khayyam. This one made me think of your Bacchus:

    A codger staggered drunk
    out of the bar,
    a prayer rug over his shoulder
    and a wine glass in hand.
    I said, old man,
    what’s come over you?
    He said, have some wine;
    the affairs of this world
    are just hot air.

  2. The descent beckons
    as the ascent beckoned.

    And after the descent
    let us turn to one another

    to see if someone is there
    where someone was

    before. Let us reach out
    an appendage

    in the darkness, and if
    the cold touch of stone

    answers, let us
    give thanks. That

    should come

    out of nothing, the great
    surprise. That the cold

    basement floor
    should dance

    with a sudden


  3. Or as the maenads would have it--
    Roger, you frenzied codger,

    Over and out!

  4. Tom,

    In their frenzy, the maenads of the blogosphere inserted your comment before rather than after mine (which was in answer to Joe's) but no harm done: As Kazantzakis' Zorba says,"Dance? Did you say dance? Go on, my boy!"


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