Saturday, March 3, 2012

Chef de la Birdbrains

Merde du poulet! My mind 
On ever greater things to create,
In my jardin d'herbes I did not see
Under the sage that petite yellow crocus
On my way back to the kitchen— 
Mon Dieu! In my next life, please
Bring me back as a chicken. 


  1. A small masterpiece of the culinary arts with evidence of tangled lineage -- a lovechild of Birdbrain and The Garden, mayhap?

  2. Thanks,Jonathan--

    I'm pleased you enjoyed this dish--for seconds, you'll have to book in advance and wait for an eternity because the cook is out to lunch.


    It's a pity "Birdbrain" isn't appreciated by more fans of Chez Rutabagatuba--the Ginsberg Ghoulash is a marvel--thanks for reserving me a seat.


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