Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Sacrificial Rites of Passage

Our legacy—where we always begin 
The quest to give up all that 

We find at the end. 


  1. Talking of dead end legacies... put in mind here of the immortal white trash crash-test classic that proposed it's always a nice day to start again.

    But of course those days too are long since gone. Though it seems there are corner pockets of the known universe where the quest does go on.

    (Nowadays I believe this form of non-normative persistence is conveniently categorized under the label "OCD".)

  2. OMG, I just found out my OED is so outdated that it does not include an entry for OCD. Discovering I possessed an inferior dictionary immediately triggered intrusive thoughts that created uneasiness, apprehension, fear, or worry that kept me leafing through the dictionary in a hapless effort to reduce my anxiety but to no avail.

    BTW, I could use a name like Idol’s—sure beats “The Squint-eyed Kid”!

  3. I do like the pseudo-Homeric ring of that -- Vassilis Idol. It works for me. But then, bloggers -- are they not said to be all obsessive compulsives of one stripe or another?


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