Friday, December 7, 2012

Always Room at the Heartbreak Hotel

Your word would be all 
You say it is and then some 
If you gave me all the room in the world

And then some. 


  1. Deft! Deft! Giving that last line "more room" in the form of its own stanza ("room" in Dante's language). We've entered the open door of the blank space into the subjunctive fulfillment the poem asks for. And I thought politics was the art of the possible....

  2. Joe,

    Thank you for giving this second conditional little four-liner such a first-rate reading.

  3. Mr Hutchison has it spot on.

    Serious tensions, distances, put across with such economy.

  4. The careful line-by-line construction, the management of stress and pause, the pointed weighting of the initial syllable in each line -- such curious anachronistic measures these, harking back to a time before Institutionally Administered and Subsidized Pseudo Verse, a time when (it's rumoured) poetry actually existed.

    Hmm, deeply suspect.

  5. Thank you for your most meticulously phrased positive comment but I'm afraid there's a new virus disguised as an acronym lurking within it that distresses me direly: IASPV!


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