Sunday, January 29, 2012


A poem given, a gift

To cherish but not 
To gawk over, 

You stumblebum.


  1. Does "you" make me the bum that stumbles? In any case, this really trips off the tongue....

  2. Youse guys sure know how to deflate a poet's ego trip. Next time, I'm "given" a jewel, I'll take it to a pawnbroker!

  3. That strange hallucinated subjectivity that creeps over one when a poem seems to arrive as a private message...

    This wobbly old man tripped over a downtown curb in the dark last night, and now, uncomfortably swathed in bandages and icepacks, receives THIS.


    And thank you very much! I shall never forget these verses.

    (Did not Samuel Johnson say, Nothing concentrates the mind so well as a deep bruising that's going to look worse in the morning?)

  4. Tom,

    Cruisin' for a bruisin', eh? I hope it's nothing more serious than that and that these verses--with the help of the icepacks--alleviate the pain somewhat. Thank you for promising never to forget them.


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