Monday, February 28, 2011

Huuklyeand Cinquor Telling Us in Fifteen Words or Less Why Poetry is Still Alive

Poetry hasn’t died yet because
Everyone who's anyone's still wondering why

It’s alive.

Moderator’s comments: If this is poetry, no wonder everyone’s wondering.


  1. But Vassilis, we need to keep the definition of poetry elastic—like my underwear's leg- and waist-bands. Too loose and you're embarrassed in downward facing dog; too tight and you risk losing the erection (as Charlie Chan would say if he ran for office). Cinquor's on to something....

  2. I rike your simire, Joe! Incidentally, some guy named Asa Neign (pronounced as in deign) Scuttlebutt swears that Cinquor wears long johns. How he could have access to this inside information when we don't even have a reliable photo of Huuklyeand is puzzling, to say the least. This same source claims he has a video of Cinquor (not the Poentabulator) which he will shortly make available to the public.


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