Thursday, January 28, 2010


—for Eleni, who saw it all from the start

If I still call my wife

After all these years,
It’s not

Because she’s foretold what will happen
Tomorrow, the next day, week, month or year—

We all know no one can do that, right?

But because when I see the incredible
Light in her eyes as she tells me

Dream after dream, I still can’t
Believe how it was

I foresaw my future.


  1. What a beautiful poem, Vassili. When I first saw the title, I seemed to hear it say "See her." And now we have, through your words. Efharisto.

  2. 'The incredible light in her eyes' and the talk of 'dream after dream' that predicts your future offers a wonderful image, Vassilis.

    Eleni is a beautiful name.

  3. Absolutely perfect in tone and rhythm. Bravo!

  4. I totally agree with the comments of the others, am I allowed to change Heleni for Ans?

  5. Thank you all for commenting! I will translate them for Eleni, who will no doubt also thank you for writing them.

    As for Peter's exchange-of-wives question, perhaps a better question would be: Would the women in question agree?


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