Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Kraft's Classic TV Commercial "I've Got Six Seconds to Sing" Remixed Expressly for Poetasters

Try craft’s pottage sleaze,
You’ll love it, jeez, poets love it—
Try craft’s pottage sleaze!


  1. Hey, Joe--

    Thanks for tasting but if you want another helping, don't look at me for seconds!!!!

  2. What about vegemite? Kraft tried to rename the product and failed miserably. This verse however rocks. You should send it to them.

  3. Elisabeth,

    Vegemite, yeah! That just goes to show you can't go round screwing venerable institutions and think you can get away with it. As for sending Kraft my little ditty, they would first have to promote it as something like Popeye's spinach--one taste only and presto whammo! another one for the sluice bucket.


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