Monday, September 5, 2011

Two Modes in Tramp Time

The Epic 

It’s too bad 

You were destined 
For greater things. 

The Lyric 

Perhaps but why is it 

The less I say, 
The better 

Everything becomes. 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Two Poems by George Seferis


At the hour when dreams come true,
at the first sweet glimmer of dawn,
I saw lips that opened
leaf by leaf.

A slim sickle shone in the sky.
I feared it would mow them down.

from “Summer Solstice,” part three of Three Secret Poems,
translated  by Walter Kaiser.


The Jasmine

Whether it gets dark
or light
the jasmine stays
always white.

Translated by Edmund Keeley and Philip Sherrard.

NB: Some down-to-earth observers of the heavens will note that the sickle framed in jasmine is setting in the west and not rising in the east but that shouldn't distract them from noticing the celestialness of these two pieces.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Antisthenes the Cynic

Doglike. That’s me, 
Which brings me 
To my next point— 

Why are you barking 

Up this tree when 
All you wanted 
Was to piss on it?

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Song of Innocence

Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Tell me whose fair children,
In cool cauldron tall, once sang
Carefree with naked innocence all.

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