Gentlemen, have we all gone mad?
In the Muse’s name, let us
Proceed with all due haste!
Clearly there are other things
More crucial to our material
And spiritual well-being,
With examples so bountiful that
Many of our disillusioned
Noble riders believe
Such romanticisms should be
Summarily dismissed as being
Inconsequential and irrelevant
To the nightmarish issue that keeps
Rearing its ugly head before us, to wit:
Do we have a quorum?
Or more to the point,
Have we ever had one?
Moderator’s comments: I think it’s high time Huuk dismounted his high horse and went to pasture. With the exception of the plague of stable boys and girls who keep grooming Pegasus for the next running of the MFA Perennial Win Place and Show Poetry Sweepstakes, who gives a flying Phaeton fuckaroo about poetry, anyway?