Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Basket Case Dandy

Christ, it took my breath away— 
I saw myself running straight 
Down the street in my birthday suit— 
Before I could say you’re making a mistake, 
Straightaway they bore me off, babbling 
Just you wait and see, I’ll be back 
Dressed to kill another day. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Meditation Exercise (Update with Visual)

No matter how lost I am, 
Morning after morning 
I find myself walking by 
Grove after grove of blessèd olives, 
Arms outstretched to the sky. 

(Updated Monday, March 4)

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thoughtful Gifts of the Kallikantzaroi

Ho, ho, ho, and a belated 
Merry Christmas to you all! 

In the while where you’ve been fitfully 
Tossing and turning before finally falling 

Asleep like a log, the mischievous dark 
Little men have been hard at work, 

Sawing the great twisted trunk 
Of the world tree and constructing 

Myriad manageable boxes where 
All of us, once we wake, will fit 

Perfectly without losing a second’s sleep. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Almost Curtains: Young Tragedienne Trapped in Well

Hearing the frantic goatherd’s cry and before 
We ran to help him raise her and she gamboled off 
To dry in idyllic sun-drenched meadow, I tell you 
Down there she’d been a drowning panicky 
Blatting bobbing waterlogged pandemonium, 
Dog-paddling round stony ring of death accompanied 
By wide-eyed chorus of cacophonous frogs stoically croaking. 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Heavenly Strains of Pizzicati

Sheets of music aside, Maestro, 
I’ve heard this made-up word  

Arcosancta graces no worldly dictionary, 
But this should not keep us from bowing. 

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