You say____ know
A healthy____
Leads to a____ mind
And ____-versa but
I ask all you out
____clamoring to get in-
Doors____ of the driving rain,
Would ____body
With an open____ choose
To exercise it
In a____gym?
[Please fill in the blanks and submit your answer via the comment stream.]
NB: For yearz this traffic sign in Megalopolis haz been diligently direkting all interested partiez headed towards Kalamata to stop by and check out their cool indoor stadium/gym—but seriously folks—why would anybody in their right mind chooze to do such a foolish thing if the gym in question waz forever klosed? It's a good thing the Health Center is right across the street from the gym, just in case such a vizit spelled dizaster for those die-hard exercize freaks waiting ad infinitum for the doorzzzzzzzzzz to open.