Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Clozed, You Klutzes

You say____ know
A healthy____
Leads to a____ mind
And ____-versa but

I ask all you out
____clamoring to get in-
Doors____ of the driving rain,

Would ____body
With an open____ choose
To exercise it
In a____gym?

[Please fill in the blanks and submit your answer via the comment stream.]

NB: For yearz this traffic sign in Megalopolis haz been diligently direkting all interested partiez headed towards Kalamata to stop by and check out their cool indoor stadium/gym—but seriously folks—why would anybody in their right mind chooze to do such a foolish thing if the gym in question waz forever klosed? It's a good thing the Health Center is right across the street from the gym, just in case such a vizit spelled dizaster for those die-hard exercize freaks waiting ad infinitum for the doorzzzzzzzzzz to open.

Monday, June 27, 2011

To One Who Still Thinks He's a Has-been


We’ve been there before,
No longer—

No use to say no
Good as we used to

Any longer.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Not So Simple Desultory Thought

Don’t even

Think about it

How many leaves

Did you see fall before

The one you were thinking of fell?

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Rembetiko, Dead and Alive!

Rembetiko'dan by koxuz

One of the reasons why the Greek spirit will never go bankrupt.
(Set volume at full blast, please--loud enough to wake the dead!)

NB: It might take a while for the video to load but hang in there--after all, it's a long way to the netherworld and back.

Huuklyeand Cinquor on Why There Are So Many Bad Poems Out There

Too few poets know when
They’ve started one—

Still fewer know when
They should’ve stopped.

Moderator’s comments: Many poets might find themselves saying many things about this one but I for one am going to stop before I get carried away.
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