Thursday, June 23, 2011

Rembetiko, Dead and Alive!

Rembetiko'dan by koxuz

One of the reasons why the Greek spirit will never go bankrupt.
(Set volume at full blast, please--loud enough to wake the dead!)

NB: It might take a while for the video to load but hang in there--after all, it's a long way to the netherworld and back.


  1. Εμείς, ελληνικός καινούριος κόσμος, μέγας.

    Mario Domínguez Parra

  2. What a sendoff! (Forget the flowers, please just do the music and dancing when it's time for me to go. :) I'm not Greek but I've lived that spirit. One reason why I love Greek music so much, it exudes that spirit, and more. Thanks, Vasillis.

  3. Ah, dear kindred spirits in search of the Wholly Redeeming Grail!


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