Saturday, October 13, 2012


No tears. Her name’s all 
Song and it’s all 

Ready a rallying cry.


  1. Dear Vassilis,
    Thank yo so much for this poem. Supporting girls to go to school, by first convincing their parents, has been one of the most rewarding programs during the time I was the program officer for Pakistan. Good to see that so many in Pakistan protest against this brutal attack.
    Your talent to express what should be said is just great

  2. Vassilis,

    I agree with Peter. Please do submit your poem to the Malala Anthology.

  3. And I agree with both Peter and Conrad—and with whatever kind muse sent you this gem of a poem!

  4. Dear friends,

    Thanks for the positive feedback on this small contribution honoring Malala’s great determination to fight skewered fanatic religious fundamentalism in all its brutal manifestations; however, my effort pales in comparison to what she is trying to do and what Peter was helping girls like her achieve when he was in Pakistan.

    BTW, I will submit the poem to the anthology.


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