Friday, August 31, 2012

Poet's Bugaboo

Jiminy Cricket! 

Sometimes I’m afraid 
I’m past all grace when 

I feel so smug I expect 
My next feat to come swaggering 

On all six legs out from under the tongue 
Of an army surplus boot and spit 

Flush in my face. 


  1. And for my next six feat... but spare me that wet patch, please, Mr Undertaker.

  2. This bugabood poet sounds punch-drunk, perhaps it's time to throw in the towel.

  3. So that stinky boot tongue was merely a common begrimed towel.

    I did hear you say, "crawl out from under, not "throw up on", I hope. These dang third-rate Medicare ear-horns are just not worth the plastic they're moulded from. (Speaking of green slimy things.)


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