Monday, March 21, 2011

March 19, 2011: The Day the Laptop etc. Went Away

Due to unforseen circumstances (in this case, a burglary at our house), my posts will be restricted until I can get a replacement for my stolen laptop. That might be easier than recovering all the data I had on it since I was stupid enough not to have backed up everything onto my external hard drive.


  1. I'm surprised they never stole the hard drive too. All my really critical stuff I back up online these days as well as on external hard drives. You should look into something like Dropbox.

  2. Oh that is so sad. I'm so so sorry. It's one of my pet horrors, losing all my work. I hope you can retrieve at least some of it.

  3. How awful. Very very sorry to hear about that.

  4. Just a quick note to thank all of you; fortunately, I can get some of my poems back from my blog--the loss of the laptop really hurts though, because it was a gift from my good and very generous Dutch friends Peter and Ans.

  5. Βασσίλη, για θυμήσου πως μου έστειλες αρκετά ποιήματά σου. Αν τα χρειάσεσε θα στα εστείλω.

    Σε λίγο θα εκδίδουν τα τέσσερα δικά σου ποιήματα που μετάφρασα για το παράρτιμα στην Τενερίφη.

    Να είσαι καλά.

  6. Mario,

    Καλοσύνη σου, φίλε και σε ευχαριστώ--αυτά τα ποιήματα τα έχω στο εξωτερικό σκληρό μου δίσκο.

    Στείλε μου ένα email για να δώ αν θα το λάβω--κάτι δεν πάει καλά και δεν μπορώ να λάβω κανένα γράμμα από την παλαιά μου διεύθυνση.

  7. Βασσίλη,

    Έλαβες το email που σου έστειλα χθες;

    Να είσαι καλά.

  8. Unfortunately, no--try again at some weird reason, no email messages get through at

  9. this is not nice news,I hope you did recover some of your work,how awful this is....good luck to you,so sorry for your loss ....

  10. Very sorry to hear aobut this. I've lost photos myself due to failure to properly back up my work.

  11. Thanks a lot, Kevin--I hope I've learned my lesson this time.


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