Saturday, March 12, 2011

Apotheosis Made to Measure

“And sometimes for great poetry, an infinitely small vocabulary is what you want. Perhaps that would be the ideal, except for the fact that it’s pretty hard to write a poem that way.”—Jack Spicer, from Vancouver Lecture 1

Ideal it would be indeed,
And infinitely hard and great yes,
But imagine

How easier that way would be
If only our words were
As modest as our measure.


  1. For poetry I suspect we need to draw on all we have, and hopefully that's not small.

  2. I agree--I just wish more poets would measure the words they have at their disposal a bit more carefully. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  3. very much true, and even more for stories and most of all for the official (policy) papers be it from government or private companies. what we need is good editors with a poetical background


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