Saturday, December 25, 2010

Luck of the Draw

Bored to death with life,
Why does he think it so

Uncommonly oxymoron
To consider himself

Lucky in that
He’s still in the running

For the surefire ticket
That will take him out

Of the ordinary.


  1. My friend, you have tipped your hand: you ain't no intylekchual! Elsewise you'd have used "quotidian" in place of "ordinary". But "ordinary" is uncommon these days, so you're in luck—because you're out of it!

    Merry Christmas, amigo.

  2. Yep, I ain't no Huuklyeand, that's for sure; in fact, I'm so out of it, I still think "quotidian" is one of those conspiring senators in Will's "Julius Caesar"!

    Have a creative out-of-the-ordinary 2011, Joe.


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