Saturday, May 14, 2016

Expendable Human Resources

I know 
It’s a long story full 
Of blood, toil, tears and sweat— 

But just stop and think—back 
Then we never knew how 
Much of us was spent— 

What say we 
Take it easy, after all, 
We’re almost there. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Theater of the Absurd

Always on cue                 light is 

                         a dark angel 


                  in the wings for you. 

Saturday, May 7, 2016


no apparitions


following a long

           drizzle, a pair of spar-
rows lightly spar-
ring on

a wet green bough.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Living with the Muse

Looks akin to having a virago 
For a wife, always berating 
You to stop wasting 
Precious time writing 
Trash, verbally 
Thrashing you with her 
God, why can’t you write off 
What you’re doing and do something 
Constructive for a change, 
Like take out the garbage 
Tout de suite, anything 
Anything to show me how 
Much you value your fleeting, 
Stinking life. 

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Symbiosis Fated to Be Inevitable

Don’t be selfish, Janus-face—share 
Everything with your other if you must, 

Just so long as you’re aware 
It has to be 

Something you both need and trust. 

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