Sunday, February 2, 2014

R.I.P. Sebastian Barker (1945-2014)

I just got a call this morning from the poet Hilary Davies informing me that her husband Sebastian Barker passed away in London. A fine poet and dear friend, he shall be sorely missed. Here he is with wife and friend in happier days in the house he built and loved so much in the village of Sitochori, Greece. 

You can hear Sebastian reading from his poetry as well as finding out more about his rich and creative life at the link below.

Friday, January 31, 2014


morning afternoon evening 
hearing mourning bells again— 

no matter 

how many times still 
being tided over 

takes time getting used to again. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Huuklyeand Cinquor on the Postmodern Phenomenon Known as "The 'It' Poem"

Should be 
What it was before 
It was but don’t ask me 
Once I get my hands on it 
What it was like. 

Moderator’s comments: I know Huuk’s not going to believe it but I liked it before I saw it.

Monday, January 27, 2014

The American Dream Poem Should Be

So far-out it could paint 
A thousand upbeat pictures 
With nary a discouraging word— 

But hey, don’t ask me how 
Groovy that would be, 
Y’know what I mean, man? 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

On a Tome Written by a Ferociously Witty Poet (revised)

Chew on This— 
The title he’d chosen 

Sure had plenty of bite, too
Bad his mouth was 


NB: First published on Jan 22, revised after three days of looking at himself in the mirror. 

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