Thursday, May 24, 2012

Final Electrifying Performance before the Polls

The firebrand 

Sturm und Drang poet turned 
Pol knew he had them 

Eating out of his hands when 
Their brows were singed 

By a tumultuous clap 
Of thunder. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Monday, May 21, 2012

Old Timers' Resurrection

Easter is the time 
We are reminded of 

Christ’s incredible feat— 
Believe it or not, it happens 

Every year without fail 
And we rejoice once more 

And wonder if we’ll live 
To remember it 

Next year. 

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Of composition: 

The red wind- 
Swept wind 
Flowers encircling 

A lone 

Wild fig tree tossing 
In the center 
Of an undulating 


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Busker Klee Shayd Tudéth’s “Skid Row Pedestrian Spiel”

(Key of lachrymose acrimony) 

Someday I’m gonna get that
Tin-eared Tin Pan Alley plugger
Who done this to me and make him pay—
One way or another, bet your bottom dollar
He’ll get what’s coming, come what may.

While we’re waiting, mister
You sure do look familiar, so don’t give me
That idiomatic song and dance
‘bout times being hard—You 
Can’t spare a dime? Like hell!
I hear platters are a dime a dozen
On Easy Street. And me?
I ain’t eaten in a week.

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