Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Found Poem: When I Was Twenty-three

—for Elisabeth, whose words I found to be wise beyond age 

Back then, I felt nothing 
Like what the doctor had ordered. 


How perception can change 
Over time, and not so bad 

My younger self, I think now, 
But as I say that’s not how 

I thought then—ugly 
I thought then, sad 

To remember that 
Perception now but better 

Than nothing feeling nothing again. 

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Damn you, ham 
Actor forever 

Forgetting your cues 
For the last time, 

The world is not your oyster— 
Now, spit it out 

And get off the stage. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

Stairway to Knowledge aka The Book of Life?

So many, 

Innumerable perhaps, 
But one only 

Steps one at a time,
And that’s not open 

For discussion. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Creep on Wall Street

Not an order, officer 
But a crawling 

Subaltern of worm not worthy enough 
To crawl away from, staying 

To face the rot. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Monsanto Man on Tractor, 9 AM

Out walking, 

Smelling something faintly 
Evil in the air 

And not knowing exactly where 
It’s coming from, 

We finally come across a man 
At a crossroads somewhere 

Among the myriad olive trees 
And ask him where he’s been 

Spraying since daybreak to find out 
Just where we can proceed safely, 

Only to have him shoot back with a 
No problem, folks. I’ve just finished. 

You can walk anywhere. 

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