Monday, October 20, 2008

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Close to Home

The falling palm-
Like leaves

Of the wild
Fig tree

Coming to rest
Near the abandoned


In which sparrows
Are flittering

To find shelter
For winter,

Turn slowly

As the autumn
Sun that dips

Lower each day
Over the earth

Under the eaves
That decline

Enough to admit them.

(First published in Poetry Salzburg Review #11, Spring 2007.)

Note: Speaking of fig trees,
William Michaelian has a gem of a poem (Time Piece) ticking away at his blog.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Regimen against Ennui

I know this sounds trite but

Before you call it just
Another day,

Leave two galvanized
Pails full of water

Under the stars,
Then hit the hay.


Get up

At the crack of dawn,
Go straightaway out


As you watch the stars
Being washed away,

Empty the pails in turn over
Your still numb stark-naked body.

You are now clearly
And fully ready

To greet a brand-new day.

Thanks to William Michaelian for linking to my blog, for his never-failing daily posts which help to make my day, and for his helping me with html tags.
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