Monday, August 12, 2024

Eyesore In The Stately Kingdom Of Pines

Where what’s left 
Of memory remains 
This derelict sinking 

Slowly under an eye- 
Opening accruing piercing 
Cover of needles, above all 

Let us keep in mind how
We took pains to leave 
The master key 

Somewhere in the blah 
Back country stretches 
Of forgettable plains.




  1. Invitingly, intriguingly open-ended. Ah, the master key! Did we all have it, at least once? And, if so, how intentionally did we leave it (as opposed to losing it unintentionally) "Somewhere. . ." Somewhere we have forgotten or want to forget? Rereading the poem several times, different words seem crucial, such as "derelict" and "piercing." A poem about memory and much else. . .Each reader will have their own readings, musings, arguments with the poem and/or agreements. In other words, it's a fine poem!

  2. Thanks again, John, for your meticulous response to this perhaps over-ambitious poem. Much appreciated, brother.


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