Wednesday, June 5, 2024


Epicurean love is tenderly biting 
Off half the ultimate 

Olive on a dish 
Of exquisite tidbits, then 

Putting the other half back 
So that your better half can 

Take a part of that 
Last bite, too.




  1. Ah, a sly rebuke to that selfish Dr. Williams! Lovely....

  2. Joseph picked up the reference that didn't occur to me. I thought of how delicious the olives are where Zambaras lives, and how it is likely that the olive "in question" is one from the Zambaras grove, and had been harvested by the Zambaras family, and the taste, the size of that half, and if either half of an olive is "better" and how one's "better half" IS better. But yes, then to bring in Dr. Williams and the plum, wonderful! Also, like the Williams poem, this Zambaras poem seems to me a poem about something that actually happened rather than a poem about a fictional event; in other words, it feels authentic (which is not to put down poems about the dreamed-up, but simply to say that I believe such an olive among the other "exquisite tidbits" was, so to speak, "in fact").

    John Levy

  3. P.S. I neglected to take the title, "Reception," into consideration. It could mean many things. The William Carlos Williams poem, about the plum he ate and is apologizing to his wife (Floss) for eating, is addressed to his wife. The Zambaras poem seems to me addressed to the reader rather than directly to his wife, although clearly it is intended for his wife to read/receive, just as she will receive the half of the olive he left for her. The title isn't exactly working as a pun, though it can lead the reader in many directions. The words "a part" do function, I think, as a pun.

    As with many Zambaras poems, a reader may wordily elaborate, at length, on the succinct and evocative poem, which thinking-about and elaboration is, in itself, a rather exquisite treat.

  4. Such a treat to read these comments re such a small poem! Let me see if I can add my own in the hope of shedding more light on it. First
    off, I wasn't consciously aware of the WCW connection; it might have been lurking in the back of my mind's icebox, waiting for Joseph to serve it to us, and for which I thank him. Secondly, it most certainly is about something that actually happened, John, and the olive DID come from Eleni's grove. Thirdly--and most importantly--she was the giver and I was the receiver; and finally, seeing I'm such a sucker for puns, "a part" does function as one here. Thank you both once again.


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