Saturday, April 16, 2022


Miserable cur that you are, 
You still need not 
Agonize over 
A poem's arrival as if it were 
Some long-overdue missive 
From a missing loved one— 
It will appear when 
You least expect it and do what 
It’s always executed so well— 
Put you out of your misery.



  1. BRAVO! A beautifully alive poem that is beautifully executed.

    Excellent title. And one also thinks, after reading it, "Well, this one is found in action!"

    Fine near rhymes and excellent rhythm; read aloud, this job performs splendidly.

  2. Thanks so much for your right on as usual rapid-fire response, Mr. Levy--what took you so long? Hahaha!

  3. One of your best, amigo. I have to second John above—the poem feels wonderful in the mouth.... Perfection!

  4. Hear, hear, John and Joseph, this too often tin-eared tinhorn of a poet thanks you most voluminously!


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