Thursday, December 30, 2021

Noncommittal Not So Plumb Haywire

It’s been quite a while since 
Any wide-eyed wannabee 
Poet’s asked me what 
It’s like being a poet and I must say 
It’s no great surprise, seeing 
I’ve been out of the public eye so 
To speak here in my sanctum sanctorum, 
The boondocks of the southern Peloponnese, 
These past 50 years but if 
Anybody should go to all the trouble now 
To show up on my doorstep and ask me 
I’d surely tell them to think 
Twice before committing themselves. 


Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Measure Of Poverty In The Boondocks Of The Southern Peloponnese, Circa 1965

In a land overflowing 
With a blessèd abundance 
Of olive trees, not having one 
To call your own and where 
Those who had finished 
Gathering theirs had packed up 
The bulging sacks, 
Hand-woven heavy
Ground-covering cloths
And gone home, to go there afterwards,
Get down on your hands and knees 
And salvage the precious few 
Shiny fruits that had over- 
Flowed and escaped 
The nets of the plenty.


Saturday, December 25, 2021

Where There's A Will. . . .

Begin a poem 
With “To be or not 
To be” and more 
Than likely 
You’ll end up not 
Knowing who not to be. 


Thursday, December 23, 2021

One More Heavy Winter Solstice Conundrum

In the dark, waiting 
For the dark to begin 
At first sight 
Of dawn 
Becoming lighter again. 


Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Ill At Ease Amongst Many

A singular voice is what 
Most of us strive for; 
Most of the time we hear 
More than enough 
Silence that keeps 
Us moving. 


Sunday, December 19, 2021

Archilochos Apparently Penitent

If I had to do it all over 
Again, perhaps that verily now
Quite ancient shield I hastily ditched 
Behind a bush and abandoned 
When the killing fields got too hot 
For my britches would still be mine, 
But then again, where 
Oh where
Would my poem be?


Friday, December 17, 2021

Artisan Of Self-Absorption

Funny thing-- 
You think you're here 
To make the best 
Of things 
Yet you fail 
To ask yourself why 
The baubles you exhibit 
Only make them worse. 


Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Bloody Murder

Shoddy serial poets love executing 
Poem after poem but never confess how 
Much it must kill them every time 
They see what they’ve done.


Monday, December 13, 2021

Domain Of Arresting Gravitational Attraction

Look at it this way: 
Neophyte warblers’ 
Nest in myrtle, 
Startled throats open 
As designated 
Ripe, blue-black berries drop 
Properly into place! 
If this were anywhere close 
To the realms of possibility, 
Skeptic—could you bring yourself 
To pull away? 


Thursday, December 9, 2021

Astronomical: On A Line Of Heraclitus

The sun is one foot wide 
And each day 
You rise to see it, 
You’re light
Years over the moon again. 


Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Rx For The Duration

Take all 
The time you need 
Even if you don’t 
Need to 
Take it all.


Sunday, December 5, 2021

Foregone: Heraclitus From Α To Ω

He who said 
The Logos is eternal, 
Which is to say 
It has been here 
From the beginning
And shall continue to be,
And strange as it might 
Sound, some have heard it 
And some have not, while 
Others have heard it 
And not understood; 
Those most curious 
Have sought it out so 
As to find out why, only 
To find that it speaks 
Mostly in mute riddles leading 
To a puzzling, though 
Far and away most logical 


Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Riming Zen Beat Master

Know this much: Nothing’s worth 
More than having all the tea 
In China and never once having 
Sipped a single sip.


Monday, November 29, 2021

As God Is My Witness

Looking back, we see
There are many things 
One can say 
About keeping silent 
In the face 
Of unspeakable crime— 
Taking it forward 
To your grave is not 
One of them.


Saturday, November 27, 2021

Speechless Before Starlings

They’ve just dropped 
In from out 
Of the heavens 
For the duration 
Of winter and are strung 
Out murmuring along 
The three telephone wires 
Opposite the house 
Like notes of a musical 
Score—no, something more like 
A long discrete succession 
Of commas taking 
Up every available space, 
Leaving no room—period— 
For words capable 
Of fulfilling 
That imminent,
Bewildering air. 


Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Haiku: Wanderlust

Itch to find yourself 
Elsewhere the moment you set 
Your footloose feet there. 


Thursday, November 18, 2021


Poetry is that 
Power which keeps 
Withdrawing while staying 
Ineffably within 


Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Supplicants Before The Slopes Of Mt. Ithome

Though almost drained of the will
To persevere, take notice— 
This steep rugged holy mountain an ancient 
Blind bard once described as “ladder-like” climbs 
In rungs to where the air is still 
Alive with daemons 
And spirits 
Who have not yet exhausted 
Their last breath to help you 
Ascend there. 


Sunday, November 14, 2021

How To Begin Your Day, Vassal

Preoccupied only 

With observing how 
That nameless red- 
Breasted twittering 
Little bird has perched 
On a limb of the strawberry 
Tree in our good lord’s garden 
And is nibbling away 
At just those berries ripe and fit 
Enough to be set before a king. 


Saturday, October 30, 2021

Alzheimer Twilight Vignette

This in which he 
Ends up smashing all 
The light bulbs left lit 
In that inner sanctum 
Of his he thought he had 
To switch off before 
Falling asleep.


Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Portentous Local Murders

These crows usually 
Like nothing better 
Than to fly 
From house 
Top to house 
Top but most times they 
Prefer to stay cackling 
Out of the way high up 
In the old bullet-riddled village 
Clock tower that miraculously 
Still keeps striking the right 
Time of day—whenever 
That happens, all common- 
Place hell breaks loose, 
And the birds scatter 
Helter-skelter.  That's when
I like to think the few remaining 
Villagers old enough to remember 
Flash back to those murderous 
Three days of civil strife that sent 
So many souls shrieking 
To the depths of the underworld. 
Just like their predecessors did 
More than half a bloody century ago, 
The birds soon return to the bell-tower, 
Where they continue to crow. 


Saturday, October 23, 2021

The Artist Seemingly Fully In Command Of His Fate

“Life is the art of drawing 
Without an eraser.” 
--John W. Gardner 
John W. Gardner was 
Not an artist but I still wish 
To thank him for his apophthegm 
Of living artlessly with no dodges 
And no room 
For any erasures whatsoever, even when 
The artist in each of us finds himself— 
As did John one fateful day— clearly 
Out of his medium and face-to-face 
With the one-and-only artfully awful 
Great Eraser.


Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Industrial Zone Obscenity



Saturday, October 16, 2021

Apathy's All The Money, Honey

And yet, it's that constant 
Remainder keeps reminding us 
Everything adds up and nothing 
Remains unchanged 
As long as indifference 
Makes the difference, 
It’s all the same. 


Sunday, October 10, 2021

Clearing The Air (Life Studies)

The poem’s not 
Meant to perplex you, 
Dear reader—it’s there simply 
To make you question what 
You’re doing here. 

Friday, October 8, 2021

Child's Play Ain't No Pushover, Is It?

Now, seeing you’ve found 
Your way here 
With precious little 
Effort my good man, 
Gets me thinking that 
Doubling back to where 
You started should be 
Twice as easy, even 
Though it sure looks like 
You’ve already gone 
One giant step too far 
Beyond it. 


Sunday, October 3, 2021

Ephemeral Myopic Poet

The most obvious thing one can say 
About his life was that 
He spent it mostly doing what 
He was best at—observing closely 
How little one actually sees 
Clearly in the course of a day. 


Friday, October 1, 2021


At last the worst is over 
And done with and everything 
In order; in return, 
All we have to do is stop 
Expecting nothing 
But the best in turn. 


Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Crowing In Absentia

What if I told you the late 
Afternoon skies were full of fright, 
Full scudding black cawing 
Clouds, the people below slowly 
Turning ashen—what shade 
Of grey would you be 
Decked out in tonight? 


Saturday, September 25, 2021

Daily Litany

So that that old 
Orb the sun may sink to his knees 
In the end and share 
In our humility, poems are 
Offered in turn—who is it now
That hasn’t a prayer?


Saturday, September 18, 2021

Unwavering Line Of Defense

What I have made 
Of myself, let others offer 
Judgement commensurate 
With the facts— 
All I can do in return is what 
I do best—demur. 


Thursday, September 16, 2021

Revelations Of A Third Kind

Certain entities always 
Reveal themselves 
And make us feel right— 
Others prefer keeping to 
Dark, out-of-the-way places, 
And under certain circumstances, 
This too is all right— 
What’s wrong is never knowing 
When all that’s wrong appears 
To be dead right.


Monday, September 13, 2021

Writing Prompt Found Wanting

Start writing right off 
About a vivid childhood
Memory, don’t break 
Your lines or punctuate 
For at least five lines and see 
What happens; repeat 
One phrase at least 
Three times; continue writing 
To wherever the memory might 
Lead you, keeping in mind 
You may have to 
Do this several times before 
You end up writing 
Everything off, going on 
To bigger and better things 
Every time. 


Wednesday, September 8, 2021

The Pedestrian Spirit That Moves Us

When the last light 
Of the fire left 
In your eyes goes 
Out the window 
Of your domicile 
Like the proverbial 
Bird in flight, do not dawdle 
There in that earthbound 
Hearth of darkness, telling yourself 
You did all you could 
To avoid the worst when 
Deep down you know you were 
At best just one more docile, 
Accommodating guest— 
For Christ’s sake, 
You made your own bed, 
Didn’t you? Now, 
Go sleep in it. 


Friday, September 3, 2021

Unquenchable One

There are many
Reasons one chooses to write 
Poems, though in my book, 
The only one that holds much 
Water is the one that’s writ 
On the bottom of a bucket 
With a hole in it. 

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Midst Mad Midsummer Air



Thursday, August 26, 2021

Before We Were So Rudely Interrupted

Turn this 
Page or any other 
Like it to find 
Exactly what 
You’ve been 
Missing all these 
Many years; failing 
That, stay just 
Where you are— 
Someone just 
As lost as you will 
Turn up any minute— 
Now, where 
Were we? 


Monday, August 23, 2021

For Crying Out Loud, Poets, No More Killer Clichés

Holy Moses, pilgrims— 
Can’t you see 
No matter how 
Hard we try, 
There’s always one more just 
Around the bend, hiding 
In the bullrushes, burning 
To cry out 
Bloody murder 
In the name 
Of all those fellow travelers 
Soon to be 
Most foully dispatched. 


Friday, August 20, 2021

Haiku: Ditched

Still you keep saying 
You’re in it for the long haul 
Here by the wayside.


Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Incestuous Matter

Issue and what 
To make 
Of ancestors who had 
No conception 
Of what they were about 
To procreate. 


Monday, August 9, 2021

Incredulous Braggadocios

Just you wait and see— 
You won’t 
Believe your eyes 
And ears what with
Such a final blistering 
Salvo, I shall bluster 
My way through what’s left 
Of this dull spirit- 
Less life—while we’re at it though, 
Think you could 
Hold on a minute so I can 
Catch my breath and stay
Even with you?


Sunday, August 1, 2021

Archilochos In The Vineyards Of Thasos At Harvest Time

[burgundy stains but]


when [ ? ] grapes [blush]

and [   ] [   ] [   ] full-


[bodied] half-




naked Bacchus-


[soaked] maidens know



[no?] shame, may the


[manuscript here barely legible]





[goddess] help [me?]


[   ] [   ] [   ] [   ] I too




lust [   ] [   ] [   ] just


[evidence of violent shredding]






[the] same








[series of large gaping holes]






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