Thursday, January 4, 2024

Second Skin Didactic Infections


Mess with innocuous
Ideas long enough 

And they become bad
Habits itching 

To be scratched
To death 

Again and again—
What’s to be done? 

Shun yourself
From everything

Blah and dig in, saving
In the process,

Your worthless skin. 



Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Odd Curmugeon Quips Approaching 80


Better you
Lose that too bitter
Demeanor quick, Junior— 

You’ll find soon enough
It’s far better than becoming
Meaner and meaner. 




Friday, December 29, 2023

The Long, Winding Road To Enlightenment

Confused? Why,
If we were

All going in
The same

Direction, we
Wouldn't need 

A compass, even
In the dark, now

Would we? 



Saturday, December 23, 2023

As Good As It Gets

—for Eleni, always there 


In the worst of ways you were always
Under one rug or the other,
Murmuring and wondering just
What to do with yourself when 

Her uplifting spirit
Got wind of you and swept
You off your feet
At the speed of light, 

And dragged your sorry lot
Onto a pied magic carpet
Traveling untrammeled through
Eons of uncharted space.




Thursday, December 21, 2023

Hardy Phoenix Rising

In blackened hearths, remnants
Of old growth

Sizzled to a crisp, still
Glowing embers 

Ashing to ashes, dust
To dust in an ever-swirling, 

Resurrecting myth. 




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