Friday, May 8, 2015

Trying to Make Sense out of Nothing

What is it that makes people write poems? 
It’s nothing you can see or smell, nothing 
You can taste or touch or hear— 

Hidden in the formless recesses of nowhere, 
Whatever it is, it takes all our senses aback 
If and when we coax it out of there. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


of stream watching

the green wet 
willows dipping in 
to shallow water deep 
enough you think you are 
seeing things down there where 
the branches you look at look 

to be springing roots! 

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Wounded in the Process


thing too 




even this small 


working it- 
self out, 


Thursday, April 30, 2015


Had you asked me 
Against all odds 

I’d have been the first 
To answer yes and the last 

To wager I was wrong 
Even from the start. 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Life's Understudy

You act as if 
You’re standing 
On a mountain 
On top of which 
The lowly mole does not 
Understand your role. 

Friday, April 24, 2015

Pure Ars Poetica

(with apologies to Kilmer and MacLeish) 

Genealogically speaking, 
A poem ought to be whatever 

A poet conceives 
A poem should be— 

But never a mongrel barking 
Its ass off up the wrong tree.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Up from the Minors

These big time poetry leagues are a bitch, 
But you’ve learned to slide and pitch well; 

Now let's see you slip in your best 
Curve and keep watching 

As the better part of you flies
Sailing out of the park straight 

Back to hell. 

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