Saturday, December 22, 2012

Magic Carpet

Of course it isn’t but what if 
This wind-scattered bed of soft rotting 
Pied apricot leaves decides to pull 
Itself together and take off back to where 
The sky’s the limit again? 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Brimming Over with Holiday Spirit

After the cleansing storm, electrifying 
Heavenly raindrops caught flashing on 

Pods of the pepper—a natural 
Lit-up Yuletide tree! 

Surely a sign from above that 
No superfluous baubles needed, 

Only enough to take in 
More than we can see.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


The narcotic quiet at the end of the dead-end street—

Even the trees approaching it have fallen asleep. 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Usual Suspect

That’s him there—waxing poetic at the end 
Of another butchered line, that 

Moon-faced assassin feigning 
Innocence time after time. 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

In Flanders Field Redux

Lord, whosoever said something like 
Ours is not to reason why 
Or other like inflated poppycock, 
Let him put his muzzle 
Where his blooming mouth is 
And shut the fuck up. 

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