Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Not One Universe

for William Michaelian, fellow star trekker

Unable to find the time,
We fall asleep

With one unfinished verse still
Running through our mind—

Billions of galaxies
In the universe

One can’t even dream
Of waking up in time.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Huuklyeand Cinquor on Why Begging the Question Never Pays

Get smart, mendicant—

You wouldn’t be holding your hand out
Asking yourself why, if someone gave you
Their two cents’ worth every time
You said something stupid in reply.

Moderator’s comments: Cinquor, en archei aiteisthai or hysteron proteron?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Poetry Salzburg Review #18

Recently Received: Meligalas’ sad sack version of Hermes Trismegistus delivered the latest issue of Poetry Salzburg Review yesterday afternoon. I’m pleased to see poet and translator friend Mario Domínguez Parra’s poems gracing this fine poetry magazine a few pages away from those of yours truly—now that is a pleasant coincidence!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Hands Down

I swear it’s no contest—
No matter how difficult

A dish my wife sets out to prepare,
In the end I find it delicious that

Each has that impalpable finishing
Touch that tastes like nothing

So much as her winning grace.

Definitely Not Lemmings #30

A hearty welcome to DNL #30--the indefatigable poet, sculptor and all-around artist par excellence Ed Baker--thanks, Ed!
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