Thursday, December 30, 2021

Noncommittal Not So Plumb Haywire

It’s been quite a while since 
Any wide-eyed wannabee 
Poet’s asked me what 
It’s like being a poet and I must say 
It’s no great surprise, seeing 
I’ve been out of the public eye so 
To speak here in my sanctum sanctorum, 
The boondocks of the southern Peloponnese, 
These past 50 years but if 
Anybody should go to all the trouble now 
To show up on my doorstep and ask me 
I’d surely tell them to think 
Twice before committing themselves. 


Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Measure Of Poverty In The Boondocks Of The Southern Peloponnese, Circa 1965

In a land overflowing 
With a blessèd abundance 
Of olive trees, not having one 
To call your own and where 
Those who had finished 
Gathering theirs had packed up 
The bulging sacks, 
Hand-woven heavy
Ground-covering cloths
And gone home, to go there afterwards,
Get down on your hands and knees 
And salvage the precious few 
Shiny fruits that had over- 
Flowed and escaped 
The nets of the plenty.


Saturday, December 25, 2021

Where There's A Will. . . .

Begin a poem 
With “To be or not 
To be” and more 
Than likely 
You’ll end up not 
Knowing who not to be. 


Thursday, December 23, 2021

One More Heavy Winter Solstice Conundrum

In the dark, waiting 
For the dark to begin 
At first sight 
Of dawn 
Becoming lighter again. 


Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Ill At Ease Amongst Many

A singular voice is what 
Most of us strive for; 
Most of the time we hear 
More than enough 
Silence that keeps 
Us moving. 


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