Saturday, October 29, 2016

Zen Biker Facing Wind On Narrow Country Road

I don’t know 
What sounds more 

The sound of bamboo 
Swishing or the sound 
Of a boy on his bicycle 

Swishing through. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Daily Gazette

               the good news of the day 

Most mornings 
We rise ready

To wonder 

How wondrous 
The twilight will be. 

               flip side of the coin 

Punch-drunk, we just roll 
Over, curl up and wonder 

What to make of the sinister
Squiggles crawling 

Up the wall. 

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Ruse: One For The Poem That Got Away

What’s that you say?— 
What’s on the tip of my tongue? 

How’s about a piece of my mind, 
You miserable excuse for a muse. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Love Unscathed Beyond A Reasonable Doubt

As a whistle 
It seems this 

Double-edged knife in 
Question clearly 
Went in so 

Deep its blade came 
Out the other side whole, 
Hearty and dying for more. 

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Flight in Dire Straits

Mon darkling 
Lecteur, bear with me if 
You will and draw out the first 
Word of this poem’s title, 
Making it two 
Syllables in 
Stead of one, 

Then sit back 
And imagine 
A lone pilot’s night run 
Full of light one 
Second away 
From heading 
Straight into the sun. 

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