Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Winner Take All: Confession Of A Literary Sleight-Of-Hand Man

Consider if you will, 
When all is said 
And done, 
And all those proverbial 
Bromides I once dispensed 
With such considerable aplomb 
No longer 
Roll effortlessly off 
My once oh so smooth 
And often too fiery 
Biting acid tongue, 
You’ll know it’s time 
I let bygones be 
Bygones, shut up 
And deal myself 
One last ace from up 
My sleeve just so 
Everyone can 
See how sleazy 
In the end it was 
I won. 


Friday, September 1, 2023

After Archilochos, A Sense Of Seferis

Vain ones— 
Write this 
Down so that you 
Never forget it: 
This, this 
We cannot do 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
These two spotted 
Pale doves inscribing 
Our fate, rising 
And falling in 
Turn in the ever 
Ambivalent yet still 
Diaphanous air.


Sunday, August 27, 2023

Muse On The Edge

If you can sit still 
Enough to hear that which can’t 
Wait, it’s a good sign.


Friday, August 25, 2023

Zorba's Dance, They Say

Death is everywhere; 
So is joy, so take your turn 
And laugh in its face. 


Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Threshold Pitch

Odd, how it is 
The poem always knows 
You before you 
Know yourself, 
Even in the dark. 


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