—for Phaedra, all of 7 ½
I wonder if
I should stop
Imagining what
My granddaughter will be like
In twenty years’ time and start
Asking myself how
To tell her
The chances of my being
There to see her fully
Blossomed into full-
Blown womanhood
Are as likely as her
Catching the exact
Moment a seed pod bursts
So that it can
Send its offspring out
To disperse, unfettered
In the hesitating air.
I wonder if
I should stop
Imagining what
My granddaughter will be like
In twenty years’ time and start
Asking myself how
To tell her
The chances of my being
There to see her fully
Blossomed into full-
Blown womanhood
Are as likely as her
Catching the exact
Moment a seed pod bursts
So that it can
Send its offspring out
To disperse, unfettered
In the hesitating air.