Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Bleeding Heart Haiku

Go on—bloody cry; 
Your heart hasn’t run out yet— 

Give it one more try. 

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Reverse Arrested Development

Why is it 

My three-year-old 
Granddaughter can 
Entertain herself 

For hours on end 
With nothing save her 
Imagination when 

I try musing with that idea 
I end up with nothing 
But a dead end. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Flesh Wound

look again— 

nothing too 


how even this small 

sliver working it- 

self out 

has to 


Saturday, December 12, 2015

Troubling Inner Sanctum

Call me 
Quasimodo if you want, 
But whenever I feel 
I have to venture deep 
Inside the troubled 
Heart, I make doubly sure 
All doors are barred 
And the window 
Shutters shut tight— 
I brook no grotesque salivating 
Straitjacketed curiosity 
Seekers disturbing 
My mind’s deformed slant. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Kudos for Joe Blow

Congratulations, sport! 
In belated recognition 
Of your exemplary service 
Above and beyond the call 
Of the daily drudgery roster, 
You’ve been selected 

To receive everything 
Your heart desired but 
Never had time for before 
Now, but you must act now— 
Please sign on the dotted line; 
You can read your eulogy later. 

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