Monday, April 8, 2013

What's My Line?

I spend most of my day trying 
To remember a line I forget 

The moment I wake, the rest of the day 
I remember to sleep on it. 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Diners' Club

these buttercups 

closed all night 
on table in blue 
grey vase before bay 

window now open 
for light break 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Cracker-Barrel Philosopher

You poets in the know, you always say 
Waiting and looking is your thing, 
And presume your next poem promises 
Answers to questions you think 
No one’s up to asking but you, well 
If you think that’s true, try these two 
Simple ones—who do you think you are, 
And who asked you for your view? 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A Poem Should Be

No stranger to fear, Archibald— 
Like that line from Heraclitus, 

Ferocious and show 
It means business 

All the time, 
Like a good watch 

Dog that barks 
At passersby all 

The while be- 

Bloody ticks. 

Monday, April 1, 2013


Amongst sundry things seen, what flowers 
Most in my mind today is that solitary 

Wild fig tree leafing above 
A pied meadow. 

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