Thursday, January 19, 2012

Fasten Your Seatbelts, Please


Those of you sick to death of being stuck in one place all your lives and who now wish to become followers of the Church of the Holey Galactic Bucket Seat Brigade, please take one step forward. Our craft will be departing shortly.

Aporia of a Somewhat Irreverent Lost Soul

It’s still Greek to me—though 
I know the good book says that 
Somewhere someone above all 
This is both the Alpha and the Omega, why 
Is there no table of contents? 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Critique on Blake's Songs of Innocence and of Experience Written by One Old Enough to Know Better

All in all, an encouraging effort in retrospect but still 
One should use the imagination sparingly, William— 

Too much of a good thing spoils 
An unruly child.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Definitely Not Lemmings #43

As the poem below illustrates, it’s currently freezing over here at The Milk and Honey House, so it’s time to give a warm welcome to Miroslav Dušanić, a Bosnian poet-in-exile living and working in Hildesheim, Germany. Miroslav writes in Serbian and German and you can visit his blog here. Thank you, Miroslav!

Polar Bare Treacle at The Milk and Honey House (Meligalas)

Stark naked 
At three below 
With the two 
Galvanized pails full 

Of water out waiting 
All night for the morning 
Over-the-head ablutions 
Now wearing ice caps—so 

Mush before the sun melts us all, 
You foot-dragging old dog! 

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