Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Definitely Not Lemmings #43

As the poem below illustrates, it’s currently freezing over here at The Milk and Honey House, so it’s time to give a warm welcome to Miroslav Dušanić, a Bosnian poet-in-exile living and working in Hildesheim, Germany. Miroslav writes in Serbian and German and you can visit his blog here. Thank you, Miroslav!

Polar Bare Treacle at The Milk and Honey House (Meligalas)

Stark naked 
At three below 
With the two 
Galvanized pails full 

Of water out waiting 
All night for the morning 
Over-the-head ablutions 
Now wearing ice caps—so 

Mush before the sun melts us all, 
You foot-dragging old dog! 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Midnight Rambler


No need to use it 
As a foil— 

In the end 
You’ll still be caught 

In the middle, the night just 
Beginning with your burning 

The midnight oil. 

Sunday, January 15, 2012



Keep throwing it long enough 
And soon you’ll hear 

Your voice carrying above 
All the other dummies— 

Do you really want to hear? 

Saturday, January 14, 2012


I know my simile’s weak but still
I insist these old houses are like old people 
In one aspect at least—finding themselves alone 

They fall silent, 
And wait and wait and wait 
Till they find themselves falling, 
Falling into a deep, uninterrupted sleep. 

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