Monday, May 16, 2011

Huuklyeand Cinquor on The Canon


The explosive self

Poet refuses
To remain

A projectile forever.

Moderator’s comments: Nice to see Cinquor’s back; his prolonged silence
had me thinking he’d  maybe shot his wad, but this all-out frontal assault on the canon is fiery evidence he’s still balling the jack.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Definitely Not Lemmings #33

A hearty welcome to Kristine Ong Muslim, who comes to us from The Philippines. Besides holding a degree in chemical engineering, she has also published more than six hundred stories and poems in over four hundred magazines. More information here.

Grassroots Movement

Though the slithering
Forked tongued snake
Neither hears nor speaks,
Aside from hissing at any
Clear and present danger,

If we keep our eyes
On the tall, swaying grass
Through which it moves
Effortlessly, it will tell us as much
About maneuvering left and right

As any cold-blooded,
Deaf-mute politician.

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