Sunday, February 20, 2011

Weather Permitting, Visibility is Never Zero

—for Bob Arnold

It’s comforting

And nice to see
The moon that is

As big as our house
As our friend says—

Is the same size
As the one he writes about

Five thousand miles away.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Huuklyeand Cinquor on Bestiality in Poets

Beware of gimp-footed idyllic gambols
That reek of Arcadia—a shepherd’s

Reputation is only as unsullied
As his sheep.

Moderator’s comments: Well, Cinquor, I know this is going to be in bad taste, and some animal lover doggedly plowing in the blogosphere’s lower forty looking for beastly remarks about our four-footed friends might get upset and flag me for promoting cruelty to animals, but I can’t resist this delicious, Orwellian-reeking rejoinder, to wit—“Two legs baaaaad, four legs good?”

Friday, February 18, 2011

Definitely Not Lemmings #34

I’m back after a twenty-four-hour Internet blackout of Upper Messenias which kept me “in the dark” but now I see Andreas Andersson has jumped on board and I thank him for that. Andreas has two blogs—both worth investigating—here and here, do you hear?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Black As Only Loneliness Can Be


In our flowering solitary
Almond, one lone starling—

You don't know how black
Loneliness can be.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Huuklyeand Cinquor on Where Ian Fleming Got the Name “Pussy Galore”

After reading  Mr. Zambaras’ latest Weekly Hubris column, I did some more investigation on the small, west coast town of Raymond, Washington, where Mr. Zambaras says he spent his formative years. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that even Ian Fleming was cognizant of the town’s raucous, raunchy, sinful past, primarily because (as knowledgeable sources are quick to point out), he was a great fan of Stuart Holbrook, and as such, is reputed to have read Holbrook’s classic, The Far Corner: A Personal View of the Pacific Northwest, New York: The Macmillan Company, 1952. Of course Fleming’s knowledge of the existence of that house of ill-repute par excellence in Raymond called “Whores Galore” explains where he got the inspiration to name his villainess and is a strong counter-argument against the one put forward by Wikipedia.

Moderator's comments: Jesus, the next thing Cinquor will try to prove is that Eric Burdon spent the night in "Whores Galore" waiting for the sun to rise! Mercy!

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