Friday, January 28, 2011

Right As Acid Rain

Why is it

Our heavenly father tells us
Unrighteous reign shall fall

When wry Mother Earth reminds us
That’s not right at all.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Huuklyeand Cinquor on Revisionist Poetics

Comrade versifier,

Profess though you may
To being a revolutionary

Poet, pray leave that propaganda
For Our Party’s inner sanctum;

As for the holy masses you exalt
Every day, they want to know just

How much blood must be spilled
Before your verses blot it away.

Moderator’s comments: Were he still alive, I’m sure the illustrious, ill-fated  Mayakovsky would agree. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Perseverance As a Vehicle for Poetry

All this waiting for inspiration—
Sheer boredom for headstrong tyros,
I tell you. At breakneck speed they keep
Veering off the main branch
And over the nearest cliff in hot pursuit
Of a breathtaking view.

Left in the lurch, we
Older lemmings have to play it cool,
Idling on the edge
Steady as she goes, simply
Hanging in there,
Taking in the view.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


If I had still one more everlasting
Song to sing, which one would sing

Of loss and for how long after
Would one cease to sing?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Those Were the Days, My Friends

The Editors of Madrona (Seattle, Washington, 1971-1979?): Photograph taken on the terrace of Eleni’s house in Remmatia, summer, 1985. From left to right, John Levy, JK (Ken) Osborne, Vassilis Zambaras—those were the days (including those much earlier than these), my friends. Ah, but do not let the somber black bordering deceive you: All three are alive and well and living their separate lives, though separated by thousands of miles of earth and water: Levy works for the Public Defender’s Office in Tucson, Arizona, Osborne is a retired high-school teacher now taking it easy in Marica, Brasil, and Zambaras is self-anointed Poet-in-Residence in the Peloponnese. 

More on Madrona and its editors coming up soon.

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