Saturday, April 18, 2009


Nightingales near
the river.

No superfluous noise.

(from The Intricate Evasions of As)

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Grasping, but not man-
Handling the language,

As if the poem were,
So to speak, a glass


(First published in Poetry Salzburg Review #11, Spring 2007)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Richard Hugo 1974 Madrona Interview

I first met Richard Hugo in Boulder, Colorado at the 1970 Writers' Conference in The Rocky Mountains--a particularly exciting one with Denise Levertov, Mitch Goodman, Herbert Gold and Isaac Bashevis Singer comprising the roster of writers present during the two weeks of workshops. This was also where I first met Ken Osborne and John Levy and where we talked about the possibility of starting a poetry magazine once Ken and I returned to Seattle and John to Oberlin College. With Ken and I as co-editors and John as contributing editor, Madrona's inaugural issue came out in the summer of 1971 and continued until 1977, ending with Volume 4, Numbers 13 and 14. During its rather short life, Madrona published many known, lesser known and completely unknown poets; it also featured interviews with Richard Hugo, Denise Levertov, David Young, Kenneth O. Hanson, William Stafford, Nelson Bentley and James Weil, among others; most of these interviews were conducted by Ken Osborne, who was the first to suggest starting the magazine and who also carried much of the magazine's financial burden until its demise.

Thanks to Vahan Michaelian who stitched my scans together and to William Michaelian who volunteered to host the 13.3 MB PDF file on his site, you can now read the complete Richard Hugo interview here.

from out of the abyss

My thanks to KatherineZ at Sorting out Abyss for providing a link to my blog--nice surprise!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sour Grapes


One of them poet words.
Sounds queer, I mean
like you was a damn dwarf
plumber sucked down some wife's horny
crawdad hole of a cunt
and just staying there, period.

There oughta be a law
against words like that.

Never could
say it anyway.

(First published in Poetry Salzburg Review #2, Winter 2001/02)

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