Thursday, March 26, 2009


whores' clap-

the poets prick


and money talks
a fluency

of the unspeakable
changing hands

(From The Intricate Evasions of As)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Two Review 2009

Just received my contributor's copies of Two Review 2009--an excellent issue which reflects the editors' mission statement: "All subject matter is considered as long as the attention to craft is high and the language is grammatically strong, syntactically unique, and illuminates in some way the human experience. Writing about the modern world, its inhabitants, and the events that shape them, from the personal day-to-day experiences of work and family life to worldwide events that effect us all, is preferred." You can see a list of the contributors and their domiciles here.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Not So Pedestrian Gadfly under Guise of Country Bumpkin


Look here

Certified highfalutin'
City-bred dandies,

It's sho 'nuf

High nigh
Impossible, so

Why in tarnation youse tryin'
To outrun a horse-


(First published in First Intensity #21, Fall 2006)

Friday, March 20, 2009

War of Attrition

Looking back
they saw

what wore them
down was not

their in-

their constant

but how to love,
honor and obey

a life made up
of fictions.

(First published in Kater Murr's Press, 2005)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009



Crushed, almost

By my wife's pillow,
The badly

Bruised innocent
Centipede surfaces

And retaliates

And stings her fore-
Head good. She

Springs from deep sleep, strikes back
Blindly this time sees

She finishes the job off

(First published in Poetry Salzburg Review #14, Autumn 2008)
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