Monday, November 3, 2008


It would be good to hear
The news that keeps us

Enthralled, riveted here--
It would be good to hear

The news that friends
Once old and dear,

Are waiting for that message
For them to reappear

Beneath the weeping
Of the willows

Banking on the river,
It would be good to hear

The nightingale's approach
Before we disappear.

NOTE: Thanks again to William Michaelian for his most recent thoughtful and sensitive words.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Pathetic Fallacy

Under heavens' sheltering

Cruel wind thrashing
Innocent palm tree--

All God's hands
Stand down,


Friday, October 31, 2008

Mirage Rising out of Death Valley, California

A translucent shallow blue
Lake, a high white wall

Of mountains ringing it,
Hard driving rain

Making cool looking red
Beads of sweat

Fringing the foreheads
Of pale faces

Up to their necks in it.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Logic Behind Using Rhetoric When Writing Poetry

"The [Poetry] archive....aims to insure current leading
English-speaking poets are recorded reading
their work for future generations."
--BBC News, November 30, 2006

Rave is
To rant


Cant is
To drivel

Or is it

Rant is
To rave


Drivel is
To cant.

Maybe it is

Rant is
To rave


Cant is
To drivel.

Or perhaps

Rave is
To rant


Drivel is
To cant.

Can't drivel?
Can't rant?

What the hell,

Just go through
The motions--

Some critic's bound
To save your ars.

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